Aki Hata Originals
迷える恋羊 – 懐古庭園 Vol.09 –

迷える恋羊 – 懐古庭園 Vol.09 –

2024年2月24日発売 / 24, February 2024
Streaming https://linkco.re/hrDFURpt


[Curly, fluffy and sleepless!]
Here’s a love song for the lost sheep, a love song for the angel in the bottle, and a song for those sleepless nights when you think about things and go “No no no no”!

01 迷える恋羊 (Kurun-kurun ver.)
A stray sheep in love (Kurun-kurun ver.)

PCゲーム「神様のいうとおりッ くじびきAI-BIKIスクランブル」主題歌。天は神様のものでも、恋は私のもの!くるくるでふわふわなバージョンです。

This song is PC game “Kamisawa no iutoori kujibiki AI-BIKI scramble” game song. Spinning and spinning and fluffy feelings Fuwa-fuwa!

Lyric & composed by Aki Hata 畑亜貴
Arranged & mixed by Masamichi Nishioka 西岡正通
Guitar: Masamichi Nishioka 西岡正通
Bass: Hiroshi Sekita セキタヒロシ

02. 瓶の天使は僕のもの
My angel in a bottle

天使のような君の全てを瓶の中に閉じ込めてしまいたい。PCゲーム「Fragrance Tale」挿入歌です。

I want to bottle up everything about you like an angel. This is an insert song for the PC game “Fragrance Tale”.

Lyric & composed by Aki Hata 畑亜貴
Arranged & mixed by Masamichi Nishioka 西岡正通
Guitar: Masamichi Nishioka 西岡正通

03. やだやだやだやだ眠れない
No no no no, I can’t sleep


I can’t sleep because I remember my failures and worries, I can’t sleep when I change my pillow, I can’t sleep when I’m with someone…this is a new song about my feelings.

Lyric & composed by Aki Hata 畑亜貴
Arranged & mixed by Masamichi Nishioka 西岡正通
Guitar: Masamichi Nishioka 西岡正通

04. Bottle of sadness


Was it an angel I trapped in a bottle? Or is it a lament? This music is openning of Dreamcast game “Fragrance Tale”

Composed by Aki Hata 畑亜貴
Arranged & Mixed by Masamichi Nishioka 西岡正通
Guitar: Masamichi Nishioka 西岡正通

05. 迷える恋羊
A stray sheep in love


This song is PC game “Kamisawa no iutoori kujibiki AI-BIKI scramble” game song(original arranged version).

Lyric, composed, Arranged by Aki Hata 畑亜貴
Mixed by Masamichi Nishioka 西岡正通
Guitar: Masamichi Nishioka 西岡正通